Julie’s unconventional seven year journey around the world starts in South Africa where she purchased a sailboat with her best friend. They take off first to Madagascar where she encounters giant land tortoise, tame lemurs and people with no computers or cell phones, but warm generous hearts. In East Africa she celebrates the Millennium in Zanzibar and be-friends Masai Mara and prepares to provision for 6 months at sea with no refrigeration. The Indian Ocean proves to be a long passage of 35 days before arriving at Chagos for 3 months of desert island living, including the lost art of harvesting heart of palm and hunting giant coconut crabs. In Thailand and Malaysia she finds a way to make a living doing back packer trips and exploring the islands where sea gypsies live. Join Julie as she shows pictures of these adventures and more as she shares her seven year journey around the world.
Today, Julie is the Founder and President of Influence Publishing and is proud to help other adventurers share their stories of inspiration. She encourages you to “burn your bridges” to take a risk and live your dreams, stating “you can always re-build your bridges, stronger with the knowledge you gain from your travels”. You can find out more about the other stories she has published at www.influencepublishing.com
To register for the event Friday 27th February at the McMillan Space Center:
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