Are you a Lover or a Fighter? Or is how we approach conflict really so black and white?
All personality traits aside, it’s safe to say that most do not enjoy confrontation. In the workplace, at home, or during that 5 o’clock rush hour commute– conflict with someone else can be awkward or uncomfortable in the moment, and leave you feeling exhausted and bitter afterwards. What about avoiding conflict altogether? As Alyson Jones elucidates in her latest Huffington Post article, conflict is an inevitable part of life, and how we approach a conflict can actually transform things for the better. One of the most insightful points we found from Alyson’s article was about validating the other person’s perspective. While you may not agree with the person you are in dispute with, having respect, and understanding they have a right to an opinion will allow you to gain more knowledge and be a better listener. In the words of Ernest Hemingway, ” When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.”
So how do you bring out the best from conflict? Read Alyson Jone’s article, “Learning to Fight Fair Can Bring You Closer Together” to find out.
The post Are You a Lover, a Fighter… or Something Else? appeared first on Influence Publishing.